President’s Message

Dear snowmobilers

In recent years, the sport has seen many changes that require us to adapt both in terms of the direction of a club and as a user of the trails.

By the same token, since the founding of our club, several factors have ensured that its becoming increasingly difficult to provide members with a network of trails which we were used to. Of course, without the cooperation of landowners who give us the right of way, it would be impossible for us to practice our sport. Increasingly, we must exercise discipline and respect for the signage. Many volunteers put a lot of time and energy in negotiating rights of way and installation of signs and signaling to enforce agreements made with landowners. Only circumventing fences on a trail can mean the loss of a right of way.

Also, a new reality is that many other winter sports are organized in the form of clubs or associations to practice their activity. We must be aware that to take a trail from another club, causes the same disadvantages for them, when we meet other users in our trails. It is essential for the safety of all and good relations with other clubs, that everyone uses for his sport their own marked trails.

Rest assured that your leadership and volunteers who represent you, work hard to give you the trail conditions to which you are accustomed to. Unfortunately, it is often sufficient for the misconduct of a snowmobiler to ruin the work of our volunteers and deprive others in the use of a trail.

In conclusion, your club request your cooperation to help power our sport and our trails in our area. For this the club asks everyone to stay in the trails, obey the signs, avoid the use of modified exhaust hoses and reduce your speed in residential areas. These are good ways to keep the harmony with landowners as well as other clubs.

On my behalf and that of the Club Harfang des Neiges, we wish you a very happy new year and a snowmobile season the most memorable.


President Normand Thibault,

and Board of Directors